Theology and Ministry


David Gides, Ph.D
Daniel McGuire, Ph. D

Theology and Ministry at the University of Providence is the most explicit expression of the mission of the University to participate in the teaching mission of Jesus Christ. Courses and programs in Theology and Ministry express the Catholic and ecumenical heritage and values of the University. These programs of study enable students to:

  1. Construct a critical, grounded understanding and appreciation of the roots and function of religion in life.
  2. Demonstrate consistently the dignity of the human person and the interrelatedness of all creation
  3. Identify and explain central Catholic and Christian doctrines and ethical principles.
  4. Make sound moral decisions that contribute to a just world and the salvation of souls.

Theology and Ministry Minor Program Outcomes

Students who earn a minor in Theology and Ministry will:

  • Demonstrate, orally and in writing, how theological discourse, as the interpretation and articulation of matters of faith and morals, incorporates and employs various sources – Scripture, human reason, and religious experience.
  • Demonstrate, orally and in writing, the relevance of theological discourse (including Scriptural and philosophical components) through its mutually-informing relationship with other academic fields (history, sociology, philosophy, literature, language study) and spheres of societal life (politics, economics, personal, and family).
  • Explain, orally and in writing, central Christian and Catholic Doctrines in terms of the historical contexts in which they were formulated, the details of their formulation (including Scriptural and philosophical components), and how they developed in history.
  • Demonstrate, orally and in writing, how spirituality is the personal dimension of Christian faith. Read and analyze the works of those great figures in Christian history (including the theological sources for their works – Scriptures and spiritual traditions) who serve as guides to personal development.
  • Demonstrate, orally and in writing, how the Christian faith incorporates a moral dimension and be able to explain both what sources the Church and Christian theologians utilize in formulating moral teachings (including Scriptural and philosophical components) and the authority the Church has to promulgate those teachings.

Theology and Ministry Minor

Approved electives6
Total Credits Required:21
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