Corps of Discovery (COD)

COD 100  CORPS OF DISCOVERY  3 Credit   
This faculty-led seminar lays the groundwork for whole-person formation, familiarizing students with the academic, emotional, spiritual, and physical resources of the campus community. Students engage the Providence tradition and mission, with particular emphasis on service, academic inquiry, and other central characteristics of Catholic, liberal arts education. Students will be required to complete a minimum of 5 hours of service and participate in co-curricular activities sponsored by Student Engagement and Campus Ministry.
Fees:Yes, see schedule for amount  
Grade Mode: Standard Letter  
Course Offerings: Lecture  
COD 101  CORPS OF DISCOVERY  1 Credit   
Corps of Discovery 101 is a required course designed to assist campus-based first-year students as they transition to collegiate life and struggle to overcome barriers to academic and social success at the university. The primary objective of the course is self-awareness, with a focus on student emotional, physical and spiritual development. Students participate in a wide variety of engaging field experiences and meaningful classroom activities.
Fees:Yes, see schedule for amount  
Grade Mode: Pass/Fail, Standard Letter  
Course Offerings: Hybrid, Lecture, Web Based  
COD 102  CORPS OF DISCOVERY  1 Credit   
Corps of Discovery 102 is a required course designed to assist campus-based first-year students as they transition to collegiate life and struggle to overcome barriers to academic and social success at the university. The primary objective of the course is self-awareness, with a focus on student emotional, physical and spiritual development. Students participate in a wide variety of engaging field experiences and meaningful classroom activities.
Fees:Yes, see schedule for amount  
Grade Mode: Pass/Fail, Standard Letter  
Course Offerings: Hybrid, Lecture, Web Based  
COD 201  CORPS OF DISCOVERY  1 Credit   
Corps of Discovery 201 is an elective course for sophomores, juniors and seniors. It builds upon Corps of Discovery 101. Using the theme of “Uncommon Courage,” the course encourages students to connect with our 75-year history while building models of community service into the future. Students plan and implement small team projects that are aimed at enhancing our own sense of university community. COD 201 was designed by our own faculty and staff with the primary objective of creating a culture of service at the University of Great Falls.
Grade Mode: Pass/Fail, Standard Letter  
Course Offerings: Hybrid, Lecture, Web Based  
COD 202  CORPS OF DISCOVERY  1 Credit   
Corps of Discovery 202 is an elective course for sophomores, juniors and seniors. It builds upon Corps of Discovery 101. Using the theme of “Uncommon Courage,” the course encourages students to connect with our 75-year history while building models of community service into the future. Students plan and implement small team projects that are aimed at enhancing our sense of community within Great Falls. COD 201 was designed by our own faculty and staff with the primary objective of creating a culture of service at the university, city and state levels.
Grade Mode: Pass/Fail, Standard Letter  
Course Offerings: Hybrid, Lecture, Web Based  
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