Academic Alert

The University has a thorough Academic Alert process to identify and track students who may be struggling in their courses. The process involves a cooperative effort between the Faculty, Registrar’s Office, Advisors, The Academic Success Center, and Coaching staff (if applicable). Should there be any concern with a student, faculty are encouraged to report students for academic alert follow up, by the second class meeting. Students are reported for a variety of reasons including (but not limited to) poor attendance, low test scores, and grades or classroom behavior. Students are monitored during the academic alert process and followed up with by various individuals to provide them support to help them succeed.

Support might include tutoring, counseling, meetings with instructors or other actions as deemed appropriate to help the student succeed. Once students re-establish themselves in the course, they are removed from the list. The list is for internal purposes only and is not reflected on the student’s record.

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