Grading System

The following grades are used to assess student work in courses:

Grade Points Per Credit Description
A 4.0 Excellent - Work shows marked superiority in such qualities as organization, accuracy, originality, understanding, and insight.
B 3.0 Good - Work indicates appreciation and grasp of the subject that is distinctly above the average.
C 2.0 Average - Work fulfills essential requirements in quality and quantity and meets the acceptable standard for graduation.
D 1.0 Below average - Work is below the average yet acceptable credit for graduation.
F 0 No credit is granted for the course: Work does not merit academic credit.
AU “Audit” - An audit involves no credit, and is not calculated in the GPA.
P “Pass” Work meets or exceeds the standard required for credit in that course. Grades of “P” are not computed in the student’s semester or cumulative grade point averages.
I “Incomplete” An incomplete is given when the student, for reasons beyond his or her control, cannot complete the requirements for the course in a timely fashion. The “I” grade will only be given with the permission of the instructor and upon completion of the “Incomplete Form” which must be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office prior to the final day of the regular semester (before finals). The instructor will make a grade change when requirements are met, otherwise the “I” will convert to the alternate grade indicated by the instructor or to an F if no alternate grade was indicated. The maximum timeframe before grade conversion is 90 days. No student may graduate with a grade of “I”.
IP “In Progress” This notation is used in courses in which the coursework by design extends beyond the normal term of registration: Independent/Directed Study, Research, Practicum, Independent Field Experience. The course must be completed within 12 months. No student may graduate with a grade of “IP”.
RD “Grade Report Delayed” This is not a grade. It is an administrative notation assigned by the Registrar to indicate that the grade for the course has not been reported to the Registrar’s Office. No student may graduate with a grade of “RD”.
W “Withdrawal” A student permitted, with advisor approval, to withdraw from a course prior to the deadline set forth in the Academic Calendar will receive a “W” for the course. A student permitted, with advisor approval, to withdraw from a course after the deadline set forth in the Academic Calendar but before the final examinations will receive either a WP (Withdrawal Passing), which does not confer credit and is not calculated in the GPA, or a WF (Withdrawal Failing), which does not confer credit but is calculated in the GPA in the same manner as an “F” grade.
WA “Administrative Withdrawal” This grade is provided in extraordinary circumstances when a student is unable to complete courses during a semester. Written documentation must be provided to justify the withdrawal and approval granted by the Provost or the Vice President for Student Engagement and Athletics. This grade is not calculated into the GPA. See Administrative Withdrawal policy.
GPA A student’s grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of credits attempted. Grades or notations of AU, P, W, WP, I, IP, and RD are not computed in the grade point average. GPA is calculated with the use of institutional attempted and earned credits and hours only; no transfer work is calculated into institutional GPA.
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