Repetition of Courses

If a course is repeated, the new grade is entered on the transcript with a special notation and the previous grade is not calculated in the GPA. All course titles and grades remain on the transcript. The last grade earned in a course is the only one included in the GPA calculation, and only those credits are applicable for satisfying graduation requirements.

Federal Student Aid regulations govern a student’s ability to repeat coursework. Students may repeat a course as many times as needed until the course is passed and receive Title IV funding. However, once a student has earned credit in a course (grade of ‘D’ or higher), they may receive funding to repeat the course only once. This even applies to students who are required to achieve a minimum grade as indicated by their major.

This does not include courses that are designated as repeatable (e.g. music lessons, internships, Special Topics courses, etc.). Courses that are considered repeatable are outlined in the individual course description.

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